Technical service

Unfortunately, it can happen that the received goods are damaged or brake while using. But of course we’ll try to help.

If the ordered part does not fit or function as expected, or develops problems over time, please feel free to contact us. Maybe the issue is easy to solve. It’s helpful, especially for electronical parts, if you can name all other used components. A picture of the wiring can help as well. Send us a quick mail with those infos and we’ll try to help you as soon as possible.

Sometimes it’s necessary to send the default item to the producer for a repair. You can send the part to us and we’ll arrange that. To speed up the whole process it’s helpful when all necessary infos are available when we receive the default item. You can use a copy of the invoice or order confirmation and include a thorough default description. What exactly is the problem? When does it occur? Which other components are used? You can also send us information and maybe pictures prior via mail. We’ll try to help you as fast as we can.